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1 ู„ 9

Festive Linen Christmas Pillow Cover โ€“ Cozy Holiday Cushion Covers (45x45cm), Multiple Designs Available

Festive Linen Christmas Pillow Cover โ€“ Cozy Holiday Cushion Covers (45x45cm), Multiple Designs Available

ุงู„ุณุนุฑ ุงู„ุนุงุฏูŠ $25.99 USD
ุงู„ุณุนุฑ ุงู„ุนุงุฏูŠ $38.95 USD ุณุนุฑ ุงู„ุชุฎููŠุถ $25.99 USD
ุชุฎููŠุถ ู†ูุฏุช ุงู„ูƒู…ูŠุฉ
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โœ“ Unique, Unforgetable Gift
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โœ“ 90 Days Money Back Guarantee
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Lifetime Warranty Included
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Lifetime Warranty
90 Days Money Back Guarantee

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โœจ Bring Festive Charm to Your Home โ€“ Linen Christmas Pillow Covers ๐ŸŒŸ

Get into the holiday spirit with our beautiful Festive Linen Christmas Pillow Covers, available in 32 unique designs! Choose from cozy Christmas themes, including snowmen, reindeer, festive trees, and joyful holiday messages, to add warmth and charm to any space. These 45x45cm cushion covers are crafted from high-quality linen, perfect for sofas, chairs, car seats, or any cozy nook.


  • โœ“ Wide Selection of Designs โ€“ Choose from 32 festive styles, including classic holiday motifs like snowmen, reindeer, holiday trees, and seasonal greetings.
  • โœ“ Durable Linen Material โ€“ Made from premium linen that's soft, breathable, and designed to last through many holiday seasons.
  • โœ“ Perfect Fit โ€“ Each cover fits standard 45x45cm (18x18 inch) pillow inserts, making it easy to swap out your decor for the season.
  • โœ“ Easy to Care For โ€“ Machine washable for hassle-free cleaning, so you can keep your holiday decor looking fresh all season long.

Create Your Own Holiday Look:

Mix and match designs to create a custom holiday display that reflects your festive style. These charming pillow covers are a simple, budget-friendly way to transform any room for Christmas!

Order now and bring the joy of Christmas to every corner of your home!

Shipping information

ูŠุฑุฌู‰ ุงู„ุณู…ุงุญ ู„ู†ุง ุจู€ 1 ุฅู„ู‰ 3 ุฃูŠุงู… ู„ู…ุนุงู„ุฌุฉ ุทู„ุจูƒุŒ ูˆู†ู‚ุดู‡ ูŠุฏูˆูŠู‹ุง ุจุฏู‚ุฉุŒ ูˆุชุบู„ูŠูู‡ุŒ ูˆุดุญู†ู‡.

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ุฎูŠุงุฑุงุช ุงู„ุดุญู†:

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  • ุงู„ุดุญู† ุงู„ุณุฑูŠุน: ุฒู…ู† ุงู„ุชุณู„ูŠู… ุงู„ู…ุนุชุงุฏ ู‡ูˆ 5-6 ุฃูŠุงู….

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ุฅุซุจุงุชุงุช ู…ู† ูˆุณุงุฆู„ ุงู„ุชูˆุงุตู„ ุงู„ุงุฌุชู…ุงุนูŠ ุนู† ู…ุฌูˆู‡ุฑุงุช LoveInTheBox ูˆุฃููƒุงุฑ ุงู„ู‡ุฏุงูŠุง

ู…ุงุฐุง ูŠู‚ูˆู„ ุนู…ู„ุงุคู†ุง...